Multisource Service Integration

Rely on one technology ambassador to ensure all of your specialized services happen like they should.


Could a multisource service integration partner be the difference between status quo and success for your organization?

Have your technology needs outgrown your current provider’s skillsets? Do you have big growth plans but don’t know what technology will be most supportive? Are you juggling multiple providers and wondering whether the headaches are worth the eventual payoff? Multisource service integration (MSI) may be your solution.

We’re proud to help organizations thrive, and we’d love to tell you more.


A streamlined approach to delivering your most effective technology solution.

Technology today is far too complex for any one partner to excel at everything you need, and managing technology vendors takes time away from effectively running your organization. Multisource service integration gives you one resource to oversee the full spectrum of your technology needs. You maintain control without having to get bogged down in day-to-day operations and integration.

Our passion for technology comes from seeing how it can make the difference between status quo and success. Unlike many other IT managed services providers, we’re not tied to any one approach. Our mission isn’t to apply just any solution but to find the one solution that will best help your people achieve your goals.

5 ways a multisource service integration partner helps your business thrive

Multisource service integration (MSI) means enlisting a technology partner who can sort through the details of managing your vendor relationships effectively. An MSI partner is a conductor for your technology orchestra, a general contractor for your business-building project.


As your dedicated MSI team, we act as steward, strategist, and overseer of the high-performing technology ecosystem you need to achieve your organization’s goals.

Technology Strategy and Planning

Technology that doesn’t align with your organization’s goals and with how your teams work inhibits progress and leaves you open to risk. Find your just-right solution—and a prioritized roadmap for achieving it—with a team that delves deeply into your organization to support your strategy.

Cloud Solutions

When your impact is throttled by legacy systems and outmoded processes, our technical experts can help you leverage the cloud with creative solutions that empower your people.

Citizen Contact Center Transformation

Let constituents reach you via any channel they’re comfortable with. Contact center transformation improves customer satisfaction, increases efficiency, and cuts response time—making a difference both for agents and the citizens they serve.

Collaboration and Productivity

When document management, resource sharing, virtual meetings and email systems don’t align with how your teams work, you lose time—and risk losing sensitive data. Find greater efficiencies no matter your starting point with unique solutions for intuitive, functional communication and collaboration.

Application Development

When access and collaboration fall short or processes and visualizations aren’t effective, our application development team engineers the solution. 

Cybersecurity and Disaster Recovery

Security threats constantly grow and evolve—and cost organizations dearly, in terms of financial and reputational damage. Comprehensive cyberthreat mitigation strategies keep breaches from derailing your progress and ensure regulatory compliance.

IT Helpdesk

Get help when you need it with a holistic, dedicated team on-call for your technology needs. Outsourced IT helpdesk teams respond to support tickets 24/7/365—usually in less than five minutes. 


Learn how multisource service integration can supercharge your organization’s mission.


The days where one technology provider could effectively handle everything your organization needs and depends on are over. As tempting as the idea is, no one provider can be the best at everything—technology is far too complex for that. Your organization still deserves the best. Even if you have robust in-house resources, there are places where your IT team can benefit greatly from outside expertise.

But who has time to seek out the best in every area of expertise, let alone manage those providers and make sure work done separately is goal-aligned and integrates seamlessly?

People are used to using contractors for home renovation projects. Rarely does the tile company also excel at plumbing or electrical work. While they may offer some adjacent services, those aren’t their true area of expertise. When you hire a general contractor, you have the trust that their partners provide top-notch services and work well together. That’s exactly the approach your technology needs today.

Multisource service integration gives you the best of all possible worlds: